Are Clear Braces Worth It?

Clear BracesClear braces are a great option for anyone looking to straighten their teeth without the headache of traditional braces. These braces have increased in popularity over the years due to their ease of use, flexibility, and invisibility. While only some are candidates for clear braces, for those that can benefit from these retainers, clear braces are a great option for a healthier, straighter smile.


In this article, we’ll talk about the clear braces process and the benefits and downsides of clear braces. Let’s jump into it! 

What Are Clear Braces?

Clear braces, or invisible braces or retainers, are orthotic devices used to straighten and realign teeth. These braces get their name from being transparent, meaning they are nearly invisible when worn. Clear braces do the same work as traditional braces, except the retainer does most of the work instead of using wires and brackets to move your teeth. 


Another difference between clear and conventional braces is that while traditional braces are attached to your teeth, clear retainers can be removed for eating and cleaning the teeth. This removability helps prevent staining and makes caring for your teeth easier than traditional braces.


Clear aligners gradually shift your teeth using constant pressure thanks to specially designed retainers. When undergoing treatment with clear braces, you will have several different aligners throughout treatment to slowly move your teeth. These aligners are made by a qualified orthodontist who maps out where your teeth should shift over time and adjusts depending on your routine checkups. 


Remember that clear braces work best for misaligned teeth that don’t need other forms of orthodontia to shift their position, as things like overall bite misalignment or complex dental problems may require more intensive braces to shift and correct issues. 

Clear Braces Process

If you are a candidate for clear braces, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth. They will use this mold, 3D rendering programs, and other dental tools to create retainers that gradually transform your smile. Once they finish these retainers, it’s up to the patient to wear them as much as possible for the best treatment possible. 


While you can remove your clear braces for cleaning and eating, they should be worn at all other times for best results. It can take up to 18 months or more for your final results with clear braces. While new retainers may cause soreness as your teeth shift, if you experience extreme pain, tightness, or other issues with your retainer, talk to your dentist, as this may indicate your teeth moved unexpectedly or you need a new intermediate step before your next retainer.


As an added note, if you had traditional braces for some time, but your teeth shifted, clear retainers can be a great way to perfect your smile without impairing how your teeth look and feel. Not only do clear braces allow you to reclaim your smile, but they offer a great way to treat your dental concerns without impacting the overall appearance of your smile. 


If you want clear retainers or have additional questions, contact Cohen Family Smilies at (914) 245-2965. Our team of dental professionals can answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 



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