What Is a Good Age to Get Braces?

age to get braces

While many patients associate braces with teenagers, braces are an excellent orthodontic solution for almost all ages, from young children with all their adult teeth to adults looking to straighten their smiles.


Here, we discuss the best age for braces and what to expect when you get braces for the first time. 



Is It Better to Get Braces Younger or Older?

There are benefits to getting braces when you’re younger. For example, braces at a young age can stop future dental issues, like decay in spaces you cannot reach, and give you a straighter smile. If you get braces when younger can significantly improve bite alignment, reducing uneven wear and tear and saving you from future dental damage.


However, adults can choose between traditional braces and invisible braces, depending on the bite misalignment’s severity and other bite factors. Invisible braces are available to adult patients and allow for bite realignment without visible braces. Without the need to glue to the teeth, invisible braces can help streamline brace care and prevent the discoloration and discomfort that come with traditional braces. 


Ultimately, getting braces while younger and waiting until you’re older can have benefits and downsides. It’s best to talk with your dentist about your options. 


How Long Do Braces Take?

Braces can take 12 months to 3 to 4 years, depending on the severity of your bite misalignment and any outstanding dental issues. If you come in for regular braces tightening and follow all dental guidelines, your braces will likely come off early. However, avoiding using bands when advised to use them or damaging your braces can lead to a longer wear time and slow the movement process. 


Clear braces take 12 to 24 months, depending on how drastically your teeth need to shift. Talk with your dentist about how long your braces will take and what steps you can take to ensure they work efficiently to move your smile. 


What Foods Can You Eat with Braces?

Make sure to avoid the following foods with traditional braces:

  • Anything sticky or chewy, like caramels
  • Apples and other hard foods which require you to open your mouth wide
  • Crunchy foods that can damage your brackets, like popcorn
  • Any other foods your dentist recommends avoiding


Other than the above foods and any foods your dentist recommends you avoid, you can continue to eat food as usual. Just eat around your braces, and take your time to avoid breaking any brackets or wires. You should also thoroughly clean your braces after eating; otherwise, you open yourself up to tooth decay and other issues. 


Do Braces Hurt the Whole Time?

No, your braces will not hurt the whole time. However, braces usually feel sore after tightening, and wires may cause discomfort, which is where wax comes into play. If your braces constantly cause pain, contact your orthodontist, as there may be an underlying issue. 


If you have questions about braces, call Cohen Family Smiles today at (914) 245-2965. Our team of trained dental professionals would love to answer your questions and help schedule an appointment today. 





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